Environmental policy of JSC "TENEX-Logistics"


   The environmental policy of TENEX-Logistics Joint-Stock Company is to protect the health and safety of the organization's employees, to protect the natural environment, to minimize the man-made impact on the environment.

  According to this policy, TENEX-Logistics JSC intends to:

  • act in accordance with Russian laws, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection, follow industry standards and rules for environmental protection.
  • when developing its economic strategy, follow the principles laid down in the Concept of Sustainable Development of the Rosatom State Corporation and be guided by considerations of environmental feasibility;
  • use a risk-oriented approach to making environmentally effective management decisions;
  • when carrying out activities of TENEX-Logistics JSC in foreign countries, guided by international conventions, treaties and agreements, as well as laws, rules and regulations on environmental protection in force in these countries;
  • require all employees to comply with safety regulations, environmental standards and rules;
  • develop scientific research on environmental protection;
  • take into account the possible impact of the final research product on the environment when carrying out design work;